Addressing Your Mane Concerns: Signature Herbal Scalp Treatment at Luxe Scalp Specialist

Hello everyone!


Far from being my crowning glory, my hair had been the bane of my existence – it was visibly thin, frizzy and brittle (hence, much to my dismay, most hair tutorials don’t work for me). Sadly, these problems seemed to have gotten worse with age, to the extent that I could never run my fingers through my hair without losing gobs of them (which was why I had stopped brushing and combing my hair as often to prevent more breakage). Every look in the mirror gnawed away at my self-esteem as I noticed my ever-widening bald spot creeping forward from the crown of my head. At the rate my hair was disappearing, it wouldn’t be long before the bald patches could peek through whichever parting I would be wearing. Soon, my search history once filled with queries on acne was now permeated by worrying questions about premature baldness.

In a stroke of luck, an invitation from Luxe Scalp Specialist to try their scalp treatment showed up in my inbox (do I have guardian angels watching over me?!) and boy, never was I so quick in agreeing to a collaboration. Thank you for coming to my rescue 😭

Luxe Scalp Specialist who?

Founded in 2012, Luxe Scalp Specialist provides top-notch yet budget-friendly personalised scalp care treatments using modernised herbal formulation and trichological techniques while observing and practising high standard of professional conduct and ethical behaviour (no hard sell!). Their herbal treatment is 100% pure, contains no parabens and preservatives, and is validated by Mr Riff Lim, a trichologist certified by the International Association of Trichologists (IAT).

Luxe Scalp Specialist (Tampines 1)

Luxe Scalp Specialist (Tampines 1)

Luxe Scalp Specialist (Tampines 1)

Luxe Scalp Specialist (Tampines 1)

The company follows the L.U.X.E. principle, where services are luxurious and of optimal quality; unique with the use of a one-of-a-kind blend of the finest Chinese and Ayurvedic herbs (they are the only company that uses this formulation!) to combat hair problems such as oily scalp, thinning hair, dandruff and greying hair; experiential as every treatment includes their signature acupressure scalp massage that aids in blood circulation, and a reliever neck massage that is meant to relax the neck’s muscle; and effective, as vouched by their customers who had seen improvements in their conditions after just three treatments.

The Treatment: Signature Herbal Mask with Collagen Deep Moisturising Mask

My visit at their Tampines 1 outlet commenced with a scalp analysis for the specialist (quite frankly, she probably didn’t need it to know that my scalp was in a terrible shape) to better understand my scalp condition. The close-up scan revealed that, despite the dry texture of my hair, my scalp was actually oily and weak to boot, which explained the excessive hair fall I had been experiencing. This was further aggravated by the length of my hair which had kinda been adding to the pressure on my already vulnerable-scalp. With scalp as feeble as mine, the solution wouldn’t be as simple as just chopping off my hair – regaining its health would require professional help which Luxe Scalp is certainly equipped to give.

Those white stuff are oil scales, which were literally ALL OVER my scalp 😭

Those white stuff are oil scales, which were literally ALL OVER my scalp 😭

My poor scalp trying to keep my hair intact :(

My poor scalp trying to keep my hair intact 😦

More grease on my scalp

More grease on my scalp

Once the analysis was completed, the specialist ushered me to my seat where I would receive the Signature Herbal Mask treatment. This 2-hour herbal treatment is specially concocted with premium herbs handpicked from the Himalayan hills and then carefully brewed to allow thorough extraction of their essence and nutrients. It aims to reduce hair loss and dandruff, stimulate hair growth, boost blood circulation, prevent premature greying of hair, control oil production and soothe redness and scalp irritation.

My specialist began with a duo comb massage to improve blood circulation to my scalp. The whole brushing process was smooth and painless despite her swift movements – amazingly, the combs never once got stuck on any tangle!

Tea and caramelised biscuits (my favourite munchie!) were already served when I went to my seat

Tea and caramelised biscuits (my favourite munchie!) were already served when I went to my seat

Duo comb massage

Duo comb massage

She then proceeded to spritz some ginger-infused tonic on my scalp to stimulate the pores, and applied herbal mask (which had an awakening scent of Ginseng which lingered on my hair for the next two days) all over the top of my head before covering it with cling wrap. This was followed by a 30-minute micro-steaming session to allow for greater absorption of the herbal essences into the scalp.

GInger-infused tonic application

GInger-infused tonic application

Herbal mask application

Herbal mask application

Herbal mask application

Herbal mask application



30-minute micro-steaming session

30-minute micro-steaming session

After the beeper sounded for the therapist to move the steamer away, I was led to the washing basin for a deep-cleanse hair bath which lasted for no more than 10 minutes. Being the meticulous person she was, the therapist repeatedly ensured that I was comfortable with the water temperature (I could choose between cold or warm) before rinsing my hair. With her trained dainty fingers easing and relaxing every part of my scalp during the wash, I couldn’t help but drift off into a nap!

Rinse away!

Rinse away!

Deep-cleanse hair bath

Deep-cleanse hair bath

Back at my seat with my hair still wet from the wash, the therapist applied the Luxe Scalp Tonic on my scalp to intensify hair growth. My treatment in particular also came with collagen deep moisturising mask (which is actually ideal for dry and aging scalp) to help strengthen and repair my hair structure, moisturise the scalp and relieve itch, improve hair density and vitality, as well as form a protective barrier against external pollution. To ensure freshness and avoid contamination, the treatment masks are packed in individual sachets and they will be further heated up upon customers’ arrival to facilitate the penetration of the herbal essence into the scalp and help stimulate healthier hair roots.

Collagen deep moisturising mask

Collagen deep moisturising mask

Collagen deep moisturising mask application

Collagen deep moisturising mask application

Collagen deep moisturising mask application

Collagen deep moisturising mask application

The treatment at last concluded (*gasp* it’s been two hours already?!) with an invigorating scalp and shoulder acupressure massage that focused on boosting blood circulation for hair growth.

Sifting my hair through my fingers, what felt like dry rough hay-like strands were now noticeably softer and more manageable. Of course, no miracles were achieved in that one session, and my bald spot was still largely visible. But fast forward about a month, those once-barren patches are starting to show signs of growth! WOOHOO! The future of my hair is finally looking optimistic 😭

Adding the finishing touches. Frizz, be gone!

Adding the finishing touches. Frizz, be gone!

Have you tried the treatments offered by Luxe Scalp Specialist? If not, would you entrust your scalp to them? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!

S P E C I A L L Y  F O R  M Y  R E A D E R S
Quote “FionaXLuxeScalp” to enjoy Signature Herbal Mask with Collagen Deep Moisturising Mask (worth S$326) at only S$25!

Thanks for reading!

Luxe Scalp Specialist (Tampines Outlet) · Tampines 1, 10 Tampines Central 1 #04-29 Singapore 529536 · Tel: 65551065
Luxe Scalp Specialist (Novena Outlet) · Square 2, Sinaran Dr #02-61 Singapore 307506 · Tel: 67020777
For more information, please visit their website, Facebook page or on Instagram
Treatment was complimentary in exchange for this review but all opinions expressed are my own.

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